My name is Tian Ying Peng

You can also call me Amy, and I am honored to wear many hats in the realms of wellness, entertainment, and philanthropy.

First and foremost, I am deeply passionate about Tai Chi, meditation, and meridian exercise. For 24 years, I have immersed myself in these ancient practices, discovering their transformative power to cultivate inner peace, balance, and vitality.

In addition to my dedication to holistic wellness, I've also had the privilege of working in the entertainment industry as both an actor and producer. Through storytelling and creativity, I aim to inspire and connect with audiences on a profound level, bringing joy and meaning to their lives.

But my journey doesn't stop there. As a Qigong master and martial arts champion, I've delved even deeper into the world of mind-body practices, honing my skills and discipline to achieve physical and spiritual harmony.

Beyond personal achievements, I am committed to making a positive impact in the world. As a charity endorsement and ambassador, I am proud to support organizations dedicated to causes close to my heart. Whether it's promoting education, healthcare, or environmental sustainability, I believe in using my platform to uplift and empower those in need.

Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and service to others. Thank you for
joining me on this incredible adventure!"



我很荣幸在健康、娱乐和公益领域承担多重角色。 首先,我对太极、冥想和经络锻炼充满热情。24年来,我沉浸于这些古老的练习中,发掘它们在培养内心平和、平衡与活力方面的巨大转化力量。 除了对整体健康的专注,我也有幸在娱乐行业担任演员和制片人。通过讲故事和创意,我希望能够在深层次上激励并与观众建立联系,为他们的生活带来喜悦和意义。
作为一名导师和世界武术冠军,我更加深入地探索了身心修炼的世界,通过不断提升我的技艺和自律,追求身体与心灵的和谐。 除了个人成就之外,我还致力于在世界上产生积极的影响。作为慈善代言人和大使,我很自豪能够支持那些专注于教育、医疗保健和环境可持续发展的组织。我相信,通过我的平台可以为有需要的人提供帮助和力量。 让我们一起踏上自我探索、成长和服务他人的旅程。感谢您与我一同开启这段非凡的冒险!

七岁习武 Martial Art at seven


Since I was young, I dreamed of becoming a heroine, aspiring to be a great martial artist. Every day, I would drape a sheet over my shoulders and hold a wooden stick, imagining scenes of fighting for justice. My family wasn’t too keen on me playing with weapons all the time, but I was determined to learn martial arts. Seeing my persistence, they eventually gave in and allowed me to attend a martial arts school.

保送苏州大学 SC Universit


After years of relentless dedication, I won multiple championships in various national martial arts competitions. These honors are not only a testament to my perseverance but also a recognition of my skills. With outstanding achievements, I was directly admitted to the School of Physical Education at Soochow University, fulfilling a long-held dream. At Soochow University, I continued to refine my martial arts, delving deeper into the harmony of body and mind, transforming my personal passion into a professional pursuit. This experience strengthened my belief that only through perseverance can one reach the pinnacle.

武术冠军 Martial Art Champion


In multiple international martial arts competitions, I earned championships in Tai Chi, swordsmanship, and boxing. These honors not only symbolize my years of passion and dedication to martial arts but also serve as recognition of my refined skills. Behind each medal are countless hours of sweat and perseverance, fueling my drive for excellence and personal growth. These championship titles strengthen my determination to forge ahead, inspiring me to continually refine my craft and surpass my own limits in the world of martial arts.

国家一级 National Rank one

 我荣获了国家一级运动员、国家一级裁判和国家社会体育指导员的称号。这些荣誉不仅是对我多年努力与专业水平的肯定,也赋予了我更大的责任与使命。作为国家一级运动员,这一称号象征着我在竞技领域的卓越表现和技术实力,代表了我在专业运动中的高水平。 与此同时,获得国家一级裁判资格让我能够站在赛场的另一端,用公正和专业的态度去评判每一场比赛,为赛事的公平与规范贡献我的力量。作为国家社会体育指导员,我致力于推广体育运动,将运动的健康理念传递给更多的人,帮助公众培养健康的生活方式和积极的生活态度。

I have been awarded the titles of National First-Class Athlete, National First-Class Referee, and National Social Sports Instructor. These honors not only recognize my years of hard work and professional skill but also bestow upon me greater responsibility and purpose. As a National First-Class Athlete, this title symbolizes my exceptional performance and technical proficiency in competitive sports, representing a high standard within my field. At the same time, earning the National First-Class Referee qualification allows me to stand on the other side of the competition arena, judging each event with fairness and professionalism and contributing to the integrity and standardization of the competitions. As a National Social Sports Instructor, I am dedicated to promoting physical activity and sharing the importance of health and fitness with a wider audience, helping the public develop healthy lifestyles and positive attitudes toward well-being.

英国深造 Times in ENgland


 After graduation, I pursued a master’s degree at De Montfort University, focusing on cultural management and the arts. My studies at De Montfort not only enhanced my professional knowledge but also deepened my understanding of the significant role culture and the arts play in society. Through my courses, I explored the core concepts of cultural management, learning how to plan and organize art projects to foster cultural development. This academic journey provided me with a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, leaving me confident and excited about future opportunities in the field of culture and the arts.

Global Hands

2015年,我作为英国慈善组织“Global Hands”的代表,远赴非洲冈比亚参与志愿慈善活动。这次经历让我切身感受到慈善事业的深远意义,也让我更加坚定了帮助他人的信念。在冈比亚的志愿活动中,我们致力于改善当地社区的生活条件,为教育和医疗等项目提供支持,传递关怀与温暖。 2016年,我积极组织并参与了在欧洲11个国家开展的“青年精英计划”。该计划旨在通过跨国交流和项目合作,培养青年领袖的社会责任感和全球视野。通过与来自不同文化背景的青年人共同工作与学习,我深刻体会到团结合作的力量,以及青年一代在推动社会进步中的重要作用。这些宝贵的经历不仅丰富了我的视野,也让我更加坚定地投身于公益事业,为社会的可持续发展贡献自己的力量。

In 2015, I represented the UK charity organization “Global Hands” and traveled to Gambia in Africa to participate in volunteer and charity work. This experience gave me a profound understanding of the significance of charity and further solidified my commitment to helping others. During our volunteer activities in Gambia, we focused on improving the living conditions of local communities, supporting educational and healthcare projects, and spreading warmth and care. In 2016, I actively organized and participated in the "Youth Elite Program," which was conducted across 11 European countries. The program aimed to foster a sense of social responsibility and global perspective among young leaders through international exchanges and collaborative projects. Working and learning alongside young people from diverse cultural backgrounds, I experienced the power of unity and cooperation, and witnessed the vital role that young generations play in advancing societal progress. These invaluable experiences broadened my perspective and strengthened my commitment to philanthropy, inspiring me to contribute to sustainable development within society.

My own international Competition


To promote Chinese martial arts, I organized the first "Barcelona International Martial Arts Festival" in Spain. The event was a great success, allowing the world to gain a deeper appreciation for the art and allure of Chinese martial arts. Martial arts enthusiasts from various countries gathered at the festival to exchange skills and cultures, showcasing the unique charm and rich heritage of Chinese martial arts. This event not only promoted traditional Chinese culture but also built a bridge for international exchange, fostering greater global interest and recognition of Chinese martial arts.

影视 Movie Dream


When I returned to China, I was fortunate to receive invitations from several film companies to act in their movies. In my very first film, I was cast as the lead actress, marking the beginning of my journey in the film industry. On screen, I not only strive to bring characters to life but also to integrate Chinese martial arts and traditional culture, allowing audiences to experience the essence of Chinese heritage as they watch. Through film, a widely embraced art form, I hope to share Chinese martial arts with a global audience and contribute to the worldwide appreciation and understanding of Chinese culture.

慈善 Philanthropist


In my spare time between filming, I am also deeply committed to philanthropic work, serving as a goodwill ambassador for the China Children’s Charity and the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation's educational aid program. Through these roles, I provide support and care by donating to schools and children in need. Additionally, I participate in disaster relief and fundraising efforts, bringing warmth and hope to affected areas. I aspire to make a meaningful contribution to society by using my platform to spread love and compassion, helping those in need through my actions.

美国 America

 到达美国后,我有幸获得了全美精英U30的荣誉,这是对我多年努力和成就的肯定和激励。在亚太裔传承月期间,我策划并组织了洛杉矶中华文化传统盛宴,为当地社区带来了一场弘扬中华文化的盛会,让更多人领略中国传统文化的魅力。 与此同时,我还举办了多场公益活动,帮助在美的华人社区,为他们提供支持和资源,让华人在异国他乡也能感受到温暖与关怀。我始终相信,帮助他人是一种责任,也是一种回馈社会的方式。 此外,我创立了“YING Wisdom”品牌,并开始开班传授经络运动,推广健康生活理念。我希望通过YING Wisdom,将中国传统的健康养生智慧带给更多人,帮助他们改善身心健康,提升生活品质。通过这些努力,我希望能够在文化传播和健康推广方面持续贡献力量,让更多人受益于这些宝贵的传统智慧。

After arriving in the United States, I was honored with the U.S. Elite Under 30 award. During Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I organized the Los Angeles Chinese Cultural Heritage Festival, a grand celebration of traditional Chinese culture. I also hosted various charitable events to support the Chinese community. Additionally, I founded Ying Wisdom, where I started teaching meridian exercises to promote wellness and share ancient health practices.

专访 Interview

2024 美国专访 2024 USA Interview



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